Surgery Center Pediatric Patients

If your child will be undergoing surgery at the center, the staff will do everything it can to make sure everyone is as comfortable as possible before, during, and after the procedure. We know from experience that it helps to show and tell children and their parents what they can expect the day of surgery. You will have the opportunity to talk with your child’s anesthetist prior to the procedure and your child will be dressed into a surgical gown.

On the day of surgery, it is a good idea to bring:

  • Child’s favorite stuffed animal, blanket, toy or other item from home so he/she will be more at ease.
  • Bring a sippy cup or bottle if the child can not drink from a cup.
  • Bring diapers, and/or a change of clothes.
  • Please bring a current list of medications, allergies, and past surgeries.

Even though we never leave a young patient alone, we prefer that you stay with your child at all times, right up until the time your child is brought into the operating room. When the surgery is over and he/she is stable, you will be brought into the recovery area to be with your child.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Children under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a parent or court-appointed custodian (with appropriate paperwork).