What Medications Can I Take While Being Pregnant?
**Most over-the-counter topical products are safe, but ask your physician if you are unsure.
Is It True Labor?
How Will I Know If My Water Has Broken?
If you think your water has broken, please call your doctor or call 575-443-7640.
What Supplies to Bring When You Are in Labor.
- Clothes for mother and baby
- Shower supplies – hygiene products
- Favorite pillow
- Nursing bra
- Snacks (for after labor)
- Receiving blankets
- Car seat
When to Come to the Hospital.
- If your think your water has broken
- When you are experiencing vaginal bleeding
- When you detect the baby is not moving as much
- When you are having contractions
What Pain Options are Available For Me During Labor?
Natural (no medication)
Even if you chose to have a natural birth, there are many options you can try to help with discomfort.
Position change
- Walking
- Standing
- Rocking
- Shower
- Rhythmic breathing
- Paced breathing
- Massage
- Music
- Imagery
Birthing ball: A device used to help support the woman’s body and enhance maternal comfort by:
- Supporting pelvic rocking
- promoting mobility and relaxation
- supporting mother in an upright position
Heat or ice packs
Support person
- The support a woman receives during labor influences her pain perception, may influence maternal or fetal outcome and satisfaction with the childbirth experience.
- The support person is a very important part of labor if the woman chooses to have a natural birth.
Intravenous pain medication
This works well for those women who need a little something to get them through.
- Cannot be given more often than every 1-2 hours
- Cannot be given within 2 hours of birth
- Does not take away the pain, it just dulls the pain and relaxes mom.
This is the most effective for pain relief.
- Because women have decreased sensation, interventions such as vaginal exams and position changes are less uncomfortable.
- It avoids maternal and neonatal respiratory depression, which can be associated with IV or IM medications.
After Delivery FAQ’s
Do I want my infant to receive a Hepatitis B vaccine after birth? Read the Information for Parents published by the CDC.
Feeding Options For The Baby
Bottle feeding
- WIC approved infant formula provided
- You need to initiate breastfeeding within the first hour after birth if possible!
- The baby is in a state of quiet alertness the first 2 hours after birth
Guidelines and Technical Pointers
- Most babies need and naturally request 8-12 feedings in a 24-hour period.
- Approximately every 2-3 hours
- They may cluster feed (feed every hour for several hours in a row)
- Early sleepy days the baby tends to not request feeds often enough
- Keep infant skin-to-skin between feeds
- Feed on demand/Notice hunger cues
- Wake the baby by 2 ½ hours from the beginning of last feed
- Keep baby interested and awake during feeding
How do I know my baby is getting enough to eat?
- Is the baby eating every 1-3 hours?
- Sleeping no longer than 3 hours between feeds during the day
- Should have no more than one 4-hour stretch at night the first week of life.
Other positive signs to be aware of
- Audible swallowing – you will hear milk being swallowed
- Breast feels less full
- Baby is content between feedings
- Expect initial weight loss of baby after delivery; weight gain of 4-7 oz per week once milk is in greater supply.
- Your baby should be back to birth weight by day 10
Milk production is regulated by DEMAND and supply. The concept being:
- The more milk that is removed, the more milk that is made.
- The less milk that is removed, the less milk that is made.
- This is the first milk
- Very high in protein
- Easily digested
- Provides protection by containing antibodies and passive immunities
Transitional Milk
- This occurs after colostrum in approximately 48-72 hours
- High levels of fat, lactose and water soluble vitamins
- More calories and high protein
Mature milk
- Your milk will change and increase in quantity in approximately 48-72 hours. It may take longer depending on when breastfeeding was initiated and breastfeeding frequency.
Breastmilk Storage
How Much Can My Baby’s Stomach Hold?
- A newborn baby’s stomach is the size of a small marble.
- It can hold 5-7 milliliters (which is equal to 1 teaspoon)
- The walls of the stomach cannot stretch
- Perfect for small amounts of colostrum
- From 7-10 days, it increases to around the size of a ping pong or golf ball
- It can hold 1.5-2 ounces
Engorgement: What Do I Do?
- Three to four days postpartum, your breasts will feel heavy and become swollen
- This is due to increased blood flow, swelling of surrounding tissue, and accumulation of milk
Some effective treatment measures for engorgement
- Nurse frequently
- Apply warm compresses or stand in shower to initiate let-down with breast massage
- Manually express or pump out milk to soften the areola and nipple (the baby cannot latch on if it is too hard)
- Apply cold compresses to breast after nursing to relieve the swelling and soothe discomfort
- Wear a sleep bra even at night but make sure it is not too tight
Lactation Consults
- Maternal Child Department – 443-7640
- New Mexico Breastfeeding Task Force
- La Leche League
- New Mexico Women Infants and Children
Stool and Urine in the breastfed infant
- Baby will be passing meconium for the first stools (thick black tarry stool)
- Stool will change to a mustard color, runny and seedy in texture once your milk is in greater supply.
- 3-4 stools per day in the first month
- May have a little stool after each feeding as well
- Your infant should have 1 wet diaper in the first 24 hours after delivery
- 2 on the second day of life
- 3 on the third day of life
- 5-6 wet diapers of urine that is yellow in color once milk is in greater supply
Nutrition during pregnancy
- On average, the increased demands of pregnancy require an additional 300 calories each day.
- Women who are pregnant with twins or higher-order multiples need an additional 300 calories per fetus each day.
- Recommended weight gain is 28-40 lbs for underweight women
- 25-35 lbs for normal weight women
- 15-25 lbs for overweight women
Nutrition During Breastfeeding
For every 20 calories of breast milk produced, the mother must consume an additional 30 calories. This results in a dietary increase of 500 to 1000 calories each day for women maintaining body weight.